Domestic violence in India, part 2

Publication Subtitle

A summary report of four records studies

Publication year


Publication Author

Barbara Burton, Nata Duvvury, Anuradha Rajan, Nisha Varia

In 1997, ICRW began a three-year research program on domestic violence in India in partnership with researchers from a range of Indian academic and nongovernmental organizations. This report summarizes four studies that examined hospitals, nongovernmental organizations, law enforcement and judicial systems, which are all key entry points for women experiencing domestic violence. The studies examine institutional discourse and also provide data about patterns and trends of domestic violence in India.

The full series provides an understanding of the degree of domestic violence being experienced by Indian women in a rural setting, the possible protective factors and the existing options available to women outside of family and friends. These reports also point to new directions for strategies to reduce domestic violence in India.

Other publications in the series:
Part 1: A Summary Report of Three Studies

Part 3: A Summary Report of a Multi-Site Household Survey

Part 4: Men, Masculinity and Domestic Violence in India

Part 5: Women-Initiated Community-Level Responses to Domestic Violence