External evaluation of the Trust Fund for Victims programmes in Northern Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo
Violence Against Women and Girls
Towards a perspective for upcoming interventions
Created in 2002, the International Criminal Court’s Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) is the first of its kind to end impunity and promote justice through programs that assist survivors of atrocities return to a dignified and productive life within their communities.
This report presents findings from an independent ICRW evaluation of ongoing TFV programs in northern Uganda and eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. The evaluation assesses the impact of these programs, identifies ways to strengthen them and provides evidence-based recommendations to inform the design of the next TFV Strategic Plan and finalization of country program strategies.
The evaluation documents great strides made by TFV-supported programs in physical rehabilitation, psychological rehabilitation and material support. It also notes key achievements in community reconciliation, gender mainstreaming and environmental impact.
As the TFV puts its new strategic plan into action, it will be important to assess and replicate effective models, and scale them up to reach even more of the many thousands of victims who are still in need of assistance.