Promoting Action-Oriented Research on Violence
2008 - 2012
Ethiopia ,Kenya ,Malawi ,Rwanda ,South Africa ,Tanzania, United Republic of ,Uganda
Action for Development, Uganda; Addis Continental Institute of Public Health, Ethiopia; Center for Human Rights Advancement, Uganda; Gender Based Violence Prevention Network, Uganda; Liverpool VCT, Kenya; Medical Research Center, South Africa; Resources Aimed at the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, South Africa; Rwanda Women Community Development Network, Rwanda; Women in Law and Development in Africa, Tanzania; Youth Net and Counseling, Malawi
Stella Mukasa
Evaluations of programs working to end violence against women note that there is a need for greater coherence between evidence, policy and programs. Although global research studies have shed light on intimate-partner violence, there are still many forms of violence against women which are not well documented or understood.
To address this, ICRW, worked in partnership with the Medical Research Council (MRC) of South Africa and the Gender-Based Violence Prevention Network, to promote action-oriented research on violence against women in East and Southern Africa. The initiative linked local implementing organizations with research institutions to conduct joint research on violence against women and apply the findings to improve programs. ICRW and MRC supported the research institutions as they provided technical assistance and oversight, mentoring and training for implementing organizations.
The initiative aimed to increase the capacity of local organizations to conduct rigorous research to improve their programs. Additionally, the research studies established a regional evidence base to inform policies and programs to eliminate violence against women.