Reducing Alcohol-Related HIV Risk in Kabila, Namibia
2010 - 2012
AIDSTAR-One, Society for Family Health
Katherine Fritz
Alcohol use is associated with HIV risk behavior, according to a growing body of research. Programs that address the link between alcohol and HIV are urgently needed, but extremely rare.
ICRW and its partners designed and monitored a community-based intervention in the informal settlement of Kabila, Namibia, located on the outskirts of the capital city, Windhoek. Many residents have migrated from rural areas in search of a viable income, and brewing and selling alcohol is one of the few profitable businesses.
The project goal was to design, implement and assess the feasibility of an intervention to reduce the prevalence of heavy drinking and decrease alcohol-related sexual risk behavior among bar patrons in the community. ICRW conducted formative research to better understand the impact of alcohol and related risky behavior on women and men. Research findings informed the design of a demonstration program that applies multiple strategies to decrease alcohol-related HIV risk behavior.
This project was coordinated by AIDSTAR-One. As an AIDSTAR-One partner organization, ICRW provided technical oversight for this project.