Op-ed Urges U.S. Leaders to End Child Marriage
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Graça Machel and Desmond Tutu in today’s Washington Post explain how child marriage robs girls of opportunities and undermines international development efforts. Michel was the first education minister of Mozambique and Tutu is archbishop emeritus of Cape Town. Both are members of The Elders, a group of independent world leaders working for human rights and peace.
In their op-ed, Michel and Tutu urge United States legislators as well as the Obama administration to make ending early marriage worldwide a foreign policy goal. For the second time in two years, U.S. senators in May endorsed the International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act. Now the bill awaits a decision in the House of Representatives.
ICRW has long supported the legislation, which describes child marriage as a violation of girls’ human rights and offers solutions to end the practice. We continue our advoacy efforts with the U.S. Congress and the administration, in partnership with Girls Not Brides, a global partnership founded by The Elders. ICRW co-chairs Girls Not Brides: The U.S. Partnership to End Child Marriage.
GIVE VOICE TO CHILD BRIDES: Help ICRW raise awareness about child marriage in countries like Ethiopia and India.