Adolescent Girls: The MDGs’ Missing Link – Join ICRW at the 58th Commission on the Status of Women
10 March 2014
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The 58th session of the Commission on the Status of Women priority theme focuses on the “Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls.” Drawing from recent research, ICRW and its partners will bring attention to the gaps within the MDGs that failed to adequately address the needs and rights of adolescent girls, even under the banner of MDG 3, on gender equality.
The panel discussion will reflect on progress against the only mention of girls in the MDGs; draw attention to key areas of need for the 250 million adolescent girls living in povertytoday; question the dearth of progressive policymaking in this space and pose concrete recommendations for the future, post-2015 framework.
ICRW will showcase recent advocacy tools and research, including the Girl Declaration and companion report I Know. I Want. I Dream. Girls’ Insights for Building a Better World as well as new research on child marriage.
The panel discussion will feature Shelby Quast of Equality Now, Nina Besser of the International Women’s Health Coalition, and Mazelle Etessami, CSW delegate and Member, Girls Learn, a project of the Feminist Majority Foundation. Moderated by ICRW’s Lyric Thompson, this event will underscore the importance of addressing the needs of adolescent girls, both as an affirmation of girls’ human rights and an indication of their centrality to the achievement of other development goals.
The panel discussion will take place this afternoon from 2:30pm – 4:30pm, Hardin Room, Church Center United Nations (CCUN) at 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY.