ICRW Research Highlighted in the Review of Faith and International Affairs
11 November 2015
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A special issue of the Review of Faith & International Affairs focuses on child marriage and features two articles by International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) authors. Economic Impacts of Child Marriage: A Review of the Literature reviews the evidence base regarding the economic impacts of child marriage on the girls who marry early, their children, and their families. This work is part of a groundbreaking research project led by ICRW and the World Bank that is measuring the economic costs of child marriage to make the case for investing to eradicate this harmful practice. In Child Marriage: A Critical Barrier to Girls’ Schooling and Gender Equality in Education, we examine the linkages between girls’ education and child marriage, including the important social and structural barriers that prevent girls’ school completion and the protective role of education in promoting girls’ voice and agency. Quentin Wodon of the World Bank, who co-directs the Economic Impacts of Child Marriage project with Suzanne Petroni of ICRW, edited this special issue, which is open access.