Analysis: Afghan women navigate a challenging judicial landscape
Publication Date
12 March 2013
ICRW’s Lyric Thompson discusses the powerful role that tribal elders can play in ending violence against women.
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Domestic violence in India, part 1
In 1997, ICRW began a three-year research program on domestic violence in India in partnership with researchers from a range of Indian academic and nongovernmental organizations.This report summarizes three studies:…
Domestic violence in India, part 2
In 1997, ICRW began a three-year research program on domestic violence in India in partnership with researchers from a range of Indian academic and nongovernmental organizations. This report summarizes four…
Domestic violence in India, part 3
In 1997, ICRW began a three-year research program on domestic violence in India in partnership with researchers from a range of Indian academic and nongovernmental organizations. This report summarizes the…