""Our Work

Our U.S. team, based in Washington, D.C., leads and supports a global portfolio of research, advocacy, and advisory work. We collaboratively generate, synthesize, interpret, and share knowledge that directly advances gender equity, and engage in continual learning, skill-sharing, and skill transfer with our peers and partners around the world. 

We lead research and advocacy work related to gender norms, women’s economic empowerment, and sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States, including child marriage and access to abortion. With projects like the REBUILD project, we collaborate across offices and with partners on the ground to collect, interpret, and amplify global insights and learning and to drive innovation around gender equality. The D.C. office has a robust advocacy arm, leading coalitions and initiatives such as WeProsper, CWEEE, Feminist Foreign Policy, and Feminist United Nations Campaign. We conduct rigorous evaluations to gather evidence on best practices for gender equality and drive program design, like ENGAGE and (re)solve. Our Advisory practice offers strategic consulting to deliver organizational gender equity and inclusion solutions to corporate and philanthropic clients.

Our Team

Based in Washington, DC, the ICRW-US team conducts work inside the United States as well as globally. We build collaborative relationships across ICRW offices and with partners, provide global evidence synthesis, and engage in strategic skill-sharing and advisory services.

Meet the Team

""Our History

With its inception in 1976, the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) was established in response to the unequal distribution of international development interventions. From our Washington, D.C. office, we aimed to shed light on the invisible roles, needs, and contributions of women, challenging the misconception that households were solely led by men. Through groundbreaking research, such as highlighting the effectiveness of microfinance programs for empowering women, and pioneering advocacy efforts on issues like HIV/AIDS, ICRW’s Washington, D.C. office has played a crucial role in shaping policies and programs that promote gender equality and reduce global poverty, all while striving to improve the lives of women, girls, and structurally excluded populations.


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""Contact Us

International Center for Research on Women

601 Pennsylvania Ave NW

South Building, Suite 900

Washington DC 20004

tel: +1202.797.0007

[email protected]