Understanding and addressing socio-cultural barriers to medical male circumcision

Publication Year


Publication Author

Khumalo-Sakutukwa, G., Lane, T., van-Rooyen, H., Chingono, A., Humphries, H., Fritz, K. et al.

Publication DOI


Publication issues/theme

Men and Masculinities

Publication Title

Culture, Health & Sexuality

Publication Subtitle

in Traditionally Non-circumcising Rural Communities in Sub-Saharan Africa

Publication Pages



This study looks at the barriers and facilitators to programmatic implementation in traditionally non-circumcising communities in Africa. In this study, the authors attempt to develop a fuller understanding of the role of cultural issues in the acceptance of adult circumcision. Four focus-group discussions were conducted with 28 participants in Mutoko, Zimbabwe, and 33 participants in Vulindlela, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, as well as 19 key informant interviews in both settings. The results showed that adult MMC-promotional messages that create a synergy between understandings of both traditional and medical circumcision will be more successful in these communities.