Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE)
2015 - 2024
UK Aid from the UK Government (DfID)
Bangladesh ,Ethiopia ,Nepal ,Rwanda
Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Priya Nanda (Co-Director for GAGE Consortium), Suzanne Petroni (Global Research Uptake Lead for GAGE Consortium)
Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) is a nine-year mixed methods longitudinal research and evaluation program. It aims to generate and share evidence on good-practice programs and policies to help adolescent girls in the Global South reach their full potential.
GAGE aims to understand what programs and at what points in the second decade of life are most effective in transforming adolescent girls’ lives. The program will generate unique cross-country data that will contribute to global understanding on the impact of existing programs. Its findings will also contribute to a broader understanding of what is needed to reach the ambitious targets of Sustainable Development Goal 5 focused on the empowerment women and girls globally.
GAGE harnesses the collective experience, capacities and reach of leading research organisations, international NGOs and communications specialists to achieve its ambitious objectives. Using the consortium’s extensive research, policy and practitioner partnerships and networks, GAGE will provide policy makers, program funders, designers and implementers with the evidence and tools they need to design policies and programs to fast-track social change for adolescent girls in diverse contexts. Through its participatory research strategy in particular, GAGE research will put girls’ perspectives at the center of its evidence base.
The GAGE consortium is managed by the Overseas Development Institute, with co-directors from ODI and the International Center for Research on Women. Members comprise leading research institutions from Africa, MENA, South Asia, the United Kingdom and the United States; and the world’s leading non-governmental organisations working on adolescence and gender.