Men and Gender Equality Policy Project
2007 - 2011
Brazil ,Chile ,Croatia ,India ,Mexico ,Rwanda ,South Africa ,Tanzania, United Republic of
Manuel Contreras
The Men and Gender Equality Policy Project (MGEPP), coordinated by ICRW and Instituto Promundo, was a multiyear effort to build the evidence base on how to change public institutions and policies to better foster gender equality and to raise awareness among policymakers and program planners of the need to involve men in health, development and gender equality issues.
Project activities include:
- What Men Have to Do with It: Public Policies to Promote Gender Equality, a multicountry policy research and analysis
- International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES), a quantitative household survey carried out in 2009 with men and women in six countries (additional countries are implementing the survey in 2010 and thereafter)
- Men who Care, an in-depth, five country qualitative study of men involved in gender activisim and/or non-traditional caregiving roles such as day-care workers
Countries that participated in the project include Brazil, Chile, Croatia, India, Mexico, Rwanda, South Africa and Tanzania.
The project’s multiple research components provided policymakers with practical strategies for engaging men in relevant policy areas, particularly in the areas of sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence, fatherhood, maternal and child health, and men’s health needs.