“It’s On Him Too”: Pathways to Engage Men in Family Planning
Family Planning, Men and Masculinities, Reproductive Empowerment
Evidence Review
Couple Engage is a two-year (2018- 2020) project led by ICRW, in partnership with Vihara Innovation Network and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The project seeks to test approaches on male engagement for spacing methods in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar using an evidence-driven approach through literature review and human-centered design. This research brief presents insights from the evidence review undertaken in the first phase of the project.
By highlighting the motivations for and barriers to male engagement in a domain that has historically been perceived as a woman’s task and burden, this review presents a synthesis of learnings and seeks to build evidence as well as a practice base on approaches and strategies for effectively
engaging men and couples in family planning.
The evidence-driven hypotheses shared through this review could be tested to engage men and couples in gender-equitable family planning decision-making.
Learn more by downloading the publication below.
Seth, K., Nanda, S., Sahay, A., Verma, R., Achyut, P. (2020). “It’s on Him Too” – Pathways to Engage Men in Family Planning: Evidence Review. New Delhi: International Center for Research on Women