Toward a Feminist Foreign Policy in the United States (Discussion Draft)

Publication year


Publication Author

Rachel Clement and Lyric Thompson

With the launch of Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy in 2014, Canada’s Feminist Foreign Assistance Policy in 2017 and France’s Feminist Foreign Policy in 2019, a group of Washington-based foreign policy experts and advocates for global gender equality came together over the course of three days in August of 2019 to sketch out what such an effort might look like for the United States. The group’s discussion built off of a research review of feminist foreign policy as expressed by other countries, as well as ideas surfaced from consultations with more than 100 feminist activists from over 30 countries. The experts gathered discussed policy ideas in the following areas: diplomacy, defense, foreign assistance and trade, as well as in the cross-cutting issue areas of climate change and sexual and reproductive health and rights.

A final policy agenda will be refined through global consultations and input of additional experts and organizations, and will be published ahead of events marking the 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing and resulting Declaration and Platform for Action. This document elucidates a vision for the highest standard of U.S. foreign policy that promotes gender equality, human rights, peace and environmental integrity. It includes a proposed definition, key principles and policy recommendations that will be expanded and refined over the coming months.


Publication Rights:

Clement, R. and Thompson, L. (2019). Toward a Feminist Foreign Policy in the United States. Washington, DC:
International Center for Research on Women.