Transforming Work for Women in the Informal Economy: Gaps and Opportunities for Social Protection In Uganda

Publication Subtitle

A Position Paper

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This paper outlines the role of social protection mechanisms in safeguarding individuals’ livelihoods while also providing safety nets necessary to help them cope with or respond to risks, emergencies, or crises. It shares learnings from ICRW’s REBUILD project, which seeks to assess social protection systems during the COVID-19 pandemic and to highlight emerging gaps and opportunities for informal women workers in Uganda.

This paper also draws on discussions from ICRW’s REBUILD Research and Policy Uptake Group (RPUG) meeting with both State and non-State actors working with informal women workers to highlight measures necessary to protect these workers from short and long-term socioeconomic shocks.

Publication Rights:

International Center for Research on Women (2022). Transforming Work for Women in the Informal Economy: Gaps and Opportunities for Social Protection In Uganda: A Position Paper. Kampala, Uganda.