Mette Kjaer Kinoti
Masters in Food Science, Bachelors in International Education and Development Studies
International Development Sector Expert

Mette Kjaer Kinoti (She/Her), has more than 30 years of international development experience. She is a seasoned programme development leader and an expert in strategic leadership and management; organizational development of civil society organisations; programme management; institutional fundraising, nutrition, gender mainstreaming and women empowerment. She worked with Amref Health Africa for about twenty years, first as a Kenya country director (2000-2014), then as Head of Program Management at Amref Health Africa Headquarters, where she led strategic development and all program implementation for the global Amref Health Africa organization in Africa.
From 2014-2018, Mette served as Vice President-Africa, Helen Keller International (HKI), and rejoined Amref Health Africa as Group Programmes Director from 2018-2021. She has also served as a World Bank CSO Committee on Health, Population and Nutrition member. She was active in the formation of IHP+ ensuring Civil Society voices from the South and promoted South-South learning. Mette was a founder of the Health NGO Network in Kenya and is presently the Board Chairperson of Amref Health Africa Kenya.